On our last night in DC, our team did an exercise. Without any outside help, we went through each day of the trip and recalled everything we could about that day– the ride, the host, the iconic memories. It took hours. It was shocking all that my team and I had remembered from this whole trip. From where we slept, to the food we ate that day, to a funny thing someone said, we remembered. I don't know of any other time in my life that I was able to do that. Ask me what I did 3rd week of spring quarter, I have no idea; ask me what Colby, Kansas was like, I would ask if you wanted the long or short version. It was an absolute privilege that I was able to do that.
That's My Team
Day 63: Almost there
There’s about a week left of this trip. Seven days to get to D.C. Seven days to spend with my teammates. Seven days of this lifestyle: waking up at the crack of dawn to cycle 6 hours a day surrounded in nature and by your thoughts. So at the expense of sounding banal, here is what cycling has taught me.
Photo Dump #2
Day 64: The Teacher's Seat
A Portrait of Saint Louis
Day 61: A Day in a Driver's Life
Driving seems like the easy task. And it is, physically. But it actually requires quite a bit of thought and housekeeping. Half the time, we think we're doing a good job, the other half of the time, we hope the cars on the other side of the road aren't going to make us into metal sandwiches. At least on these Kentucky roads: