Day 2: Fine Dining

When I told family and friends that I was going on this trip, one of the first questions that would come up was often “What are you going to do during all those hours on the road to stay entertained?” In conversations where this question came up, the other party often implied that they hoped I would ruminate and come to some massive revelation about my life purpose and at the end of the trip beautifully articulate some thoughts that motivated an inspiring character arc.

Fortunately, my all my thoughts, insights, and revelations have surrounded a very important topic. So, for this post, I shall share all the wisdom I’ve gleaned from these first two days on the road.

RX Bars (10/10): Seriously, these have been our team’s lifeline. Stanford’s Haas Center was kind enough to bulk order 90 for us before we began the trip. We’ve been inhaling them religiously. All the flavors are absurdly good (although I stand by berry is the best). I would live off these plus canned coffee, unironically. RX bars please sponsor us!

Mayo Sandwich (7/10): For lunch today, I had mayo spread between two cold slices of whole wheat bread. My sweet teammates were appalled and concerned. The truth is, I found this to be very tasty. I strongly recommend mayo with everything — mayo spread on top of a hard boiled egg and french fries dipped in mayo will change your life for the better. The only reason why I knocked the score down a few points is that I got hungry right after. Not the perfect fit for long distance biking, but great for all other occasions.

Energy Gels (2/10): They were literally clear colored and tasted like chemicals. It was scary. I felt no extra strength from this. Do not recommend. Poor choice of post-lunch dessert.

Ramen (8/10): Omg I felt like such a gourmet chef doing this. We cooked ramen on it in our host’s yard for dinner. Enjoying ramen with the sunset on a hill overlooking Crockett, California was wonderful after a long day climbing hills and getting attacked by the wind. Gordon Ramsey should hire us for this.

Winning at life (100/10): That liquid over there is the water after cooking 6 servings of cup ramen (yes, we reused the water and the seasoning each time). That plastic bag is full of baby carrots. Now, dip the carrots in that liquid. Crunch on the carrots. So good. I am so proud of myself for coming up with this combination.

