Day 63: Hell For Certain

I started off the day behind Maceo and Travis. We were headed to Hazard KY, a ~70 mile not too much elevation day.

After 10 miles I got a flat from a staple in the road. This is something like my ~15th flat of the trip. I don’t know why I get so many compared to the others, who have like 2 flats each. After getting help from Asia, I continued on, following google maps.

At ~20 miles, I turned onto a loose gravel road, which turned into a overgrown ATV trail through the woods. Thanks google. I turned around, took a 4 mile detour, and got back on route. I haven’t seen the car yet (turns out Asia was lost as the driver).

At mile 50, I turn onto a road called Hell For Certain Road. Still haven’t seen the car yet, so I’m hungry and thirsty. Hell For Certain Road is incredibly steep for the first 4 miles, and then it turns into a gravel road. I immediately got a flat upon entering the gravel section. I haven’t had service all day, and I already used my spare tube. I’m stuck.

So I have to wait by the side of the road for an hour till a car comes by to help me out. I get on the back of an ATV with Jack, and put my bike on my lap. Jack drives me to his house, loads me into his truck, and then drives me to my end destination. So thankful for his kindness!