(Kamas, UT -> Duchesne, UT)
Hi y’all! Anna here, checking in from Duchesne, Utah!
Filled up on cinnamon rolls and frittatas made by Jess and Anna-Lee (Thank you for letting us stay in your lovely home!!), we set out to Duchesne, Utah. Sounded out, it sounds like do-chain… I’ve been saying do-chez-knee…
Asia holds a snowball at the top of the pass.
We immediately encountered a very large hill (we were warned, but it was still a shock that we would actually have to climb it). We spent about 25 miles and 3 hours climbing this hill. We reached the peak at about 10,000 feet high, where there was still snow(!!). Cole (our fearless driver for the day) found very scenic places to rest.
Asia and I opened up a new bag of trail mix and thus found the effort to descend the mountain. I then ate cold lasagna for lunch and it was incredible. Can recommend on a hot day.
The rest of the 70 mile day was mostly though small towns and farms. Travis and Maceo perfected their old-man alter-egos by buying a cold beer at a small country store and drinking it on the porch while watching cars drive by. We’ve also gotten into oil country - There are a ton of oil wells in Duchesne county.
We’re so excited to cross into Colorado tomorrow!