(Eureka, NV -> Ely, NV)
Bright and early at 7:15, we packed up and pedaled away from our campsite in the little town of Eureka, Nevada. Some fun facts about Eureka, Nevada were supplied by the librarian: Eureka’s motto is “The Friendliest Town on The Loneliest Road in America. ” The town was founded for silver mining, stayed strong for lead mining, and more recently has seen a population boom as a result of a new gold mine. Also Wikipedia says that Antonio Mendez, the CIA operative who orchestrated the smuggling of six US hostages out of Iran, was born in Eureka (The Academy Award-winning film Argo was based on him!). Huh.
We had our sights set on the BIG CITY (population: 7,000) of Ely, Nevada - which is pronounced “E”-Lee, interestingly. It was our toughest day to date - 78 miles and 4,000 feet to climb in elevation. Travis, Cole, Sean, and I started out climbing the hill behind Eureka in the cold air, and were rewarded with a beautiful, long, gradual decline with no potholes and very few cars. It was lovely. We ended in a flat valley, where Asia and Maceo were waiting with snacks.
Asia and Cole enjoy hot-cheeto-popcorn-tuna quinoa.
This turned out to be a theme of the day - we would go up a mountain, down a mountain, through a little flat area, eat a snack,…. rinse and repeat. The views were gorgeous, though, with wildflowers on the side of the road and snow-capped mountains in the distance.
Oh so lonely…
The last mountain really did us in, because we had a brutal headwind against us on the uphill and the downhill. Also because Travis had promised me before that "there are no more uphills, only downhill and flat stretches.” Lies. Travis said he didn’t even notice this “hill” from the car, but I can assure you it was the largest mountain in Nevada, possibly the USA. Once we finally got to the top, we had to fight our way downhill too, against the wind that made listening to music impossible. Sean and I arrived at the car after that hill too exhausted to talk. Cole didn’t even pause, he just powered through (show-off!!).
The last 13 miles into Ely, Nevada were tough with the head-wind, but I was so proud to be riding into the city after a 78 mile day! We went to bed early that day… excited for the rest and teaching day in Ely! Our team needs a little rest - Maceo’s back, Asia’s neck, and everyone’s body in general needs a little healing time.