Day 4: Sweet as Honey

We woke up in Geoff’s @pretzhouse amongst a piano, a trumpet (which he played to declare our arrival to the town), a few bikes, and an accolade of items all older than me. After another hectic morning of packing, oatmealing, coffeeing, repacking, and stuffing more stuff into Ody, we finally set off on our first 80 mile day!

The various items and vibes of @prytzhouse, photo courtesy of Joel

All the falls today. My phone first flew out from its mount in the middle of the road, which cut short my morning podcast listening immediately. The five of us biking all had our various close-calls with gravel and cement, though Aja definitely wins best fall of the day – suffering more than four bruises from collapsing suddenly at a standstill. Timothy’s front wheel popped an inner tube on our afternoon segment of the ride, and we sat down on the side of the road to change our first flat! While Joel and Parth discussed (argued over) whether the springs should be on the inside or outside of the bike frame, Aja and I went to inspect a lone blooming sunflower across the road that was hosting more than fifteen bees.

Aja, the sunflower, and bees

Bees also found Timothy and me particularly interesting today, and I ran away more than once from our buzzing fans.

Our injured guardian angel Katherine bought us applesauce and dried fruit for our rest stop. While she supported the team on her shoulders and one malfunctioning knee (we love you Katherine), the rest of us napped and feasted under the shade of an almond orchard. Parth, as usual, went straight for the beans. The rest of us rummaged through our snack box (which is already a quarter through), and made some interesting sandwiches (mine was bread, lettuce and cheese) and snack choices (pickles from the jar including a lovely puddle of pickle juice on the ground).

Nap time under the almond trees, photo courtesy of Katherine

Joel navigated in the morning (which guzzled the phone battery) so when his phone died, he decided that I would be the second best source of entertainment for his afternoon. Although ruining my determination to restart my podcast after my phone’s dramatic descent this morning, we had some lovely conversations that fluctuated in logic, humor, and volume depending on the steepness and speed of our ride.

Joel demanded a photo halfway through our conversation so here it is

After many deceiving hills, gravel stretches (my worst nemesis), construction sites, and blocked off wooden bridges, we finally made it to our hosts’ home in Sacramento. They made us the most delicious dinner of salmon, pesto pasta, rice with peaches from their garden, cauliflower, and It’s-It ice cream sandwiches, and offered us a 7:00AM breakfast of eggs and oatmeal (which I am very much looking forward to already).

The construction zone we walked through today because we refused to make an hour long detour, photo courtesy of Timothy

Vincent updated us from his campout in Scott and Carla’s abode (we miss you Vincent): He is now much friendlier with the horses and already feels well enough for a hike tomorrow!

It was a day of the sweetest hosts, sweetest Katherine, and the swe(a)test cyclists.

See you soon,